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About ASAP Utilities for Excel
Do more and save time in Excel with these popular tools.
The number of built-in features is astounding and it makes cumbersome tasks in Excel take mere seconds and a few clicks.
A long time ago they didn't have a 64 bit version, and I waited a long time for it to be completed. That was my only frustration with the product, but that was years ago.
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Excel Review
Comments: In the this digital world, we prefer less man power with high production. This software reduces the man power a lot and saves the time.
Text option is very useful. It has more than 10 filters, which is very useful while we work on the different text formats.
Comparing the other software on the market. This software is little bit expensive.
ASAP Utilities user for life
Comments: I have started using ASAP personally (over 20 years ago), and every day, I just love it more. I got 4 employers to buy me a license while I worked there, only 1 of which carried the software in their software library. I have tried many "all-inclusive" add-ins for Excel, and plain and simple, they failed to compare to ASAP. Oh and I forgot to mention, many of those other add-ins are VERY expensive AND not as good as ASAP Utilities. I will be now and forever an ASAP Utilities user for life.
The "automated" tools within the add-in, are exactly what I want and need to use most. This allows me to work most effectively. How often are you working on source data file (exported from another system), although your data only extends 1-2K rows, the "range" within the sheet is far beyond 100K rows. Reset Excel's last cell to the rescue! That one has been moved to #1 on my ASAP favorites, along with deleting leading and trailing spaces.
I would love to see a future version that includes Excel Formula Auditing tools within the existing features. I feel Formula auditing should be a separate sub-category and not "looped in" with formulas. Each of the tools within each sub-category has lots of tools (that is great), but sometimes I do have trouble finding my favorites. Any chance of adding an option to make certain ones display as bold?
Great experience. Allows me to manipulate and work with great loads of excel data.
Comments: Makes me work more efficiently and fast.
Easy to use. Offers a free trial version that may last 90 days. Innumerable types of macros that will make your life a whole lot easier. You can create shortcuts to your favorite utilities.
Permanent use requires the purchase of a license. It may take some time to find out the tools you need. It can sometimes uninstall by itself and you'll have to set it up again as an add-in to the excel.
ASAP Utilities for Excel saves the day!
It it very easy to use. It makes complex activities easy to access and implement
There are so many helpful functions that it is sometimes hard to navigate to the appropriate one.
Every day use and saves you time
Comments: I love it! I've learned how to do a lot from this product and it allows me to focus more on getting meaning from the data in the spreadsheet than spending my time manipulating the data to get it to where I need it to be.
You can download and install this product in 2 minutes, then you will use it every day. I know formulas to do things like concatenate and If..then but it is easier just to click a menu option and have it done for me. I love reset last cell. I love remove first X characters - this doesn't change the cell formatting even if the first character is a minus sign, remove after X characters, convert unrecognized text to numbers, remove carriage returns, change the sign on numbers, change formulas to their calculated values, advanced sorting, transpose columns in multiples - as you can see I use many, many features and there are a lot. Most of the plain features offer several ways you can enhance them to do multiple steps at once. I also love the "start last tool again" feature.
I have run into a few features it does not have, so occasionally I have to look up the way to do those. But if you are a basic Excel user who just wants to click one and done, this is the product for you. If you are an intermediate Excel user you will appreciate all the time this saves you, and even if you are an expert and like writing everything from scratch, you will get some use out of this product I guarantee you.
ASAP Utilities for Excel: Excellent Add-in for Excel Suite
Comments: I stopped using the excel internal options after using ASAP Utilities options. I would recommend this tool to everyone who works with lots of data every day. I always asked my colleagues to install this addon to improve their productivity.
I'm using this application for nearly 4 years, I use it everyday. It is a very helpful tool when comes to the excel. It is a lifeline for those who work on the excel everyday. You can import files and combine files without any Hussle. You remove diacritic and unwanted symbols, invisible spaces, and line breaks in a single shot. Joining data from rows and columns, inserting rows and columns are very easy and helpful.
Least liked about this addon is till take more time when action is performed more than 5000 rows of data.
I couldn't use excel without it
Comments: I've been using it for years and I have never gone more than a day after a new installation of Excel on a PC before I reinstall ASAP Utilities
The number of built-in features is astounding and it makes cumbersome tasks in Excel take mere seconds and a few clicks.
It seems to fail to start up every once in a while with Excel. Simply closing excel and reopening fixes the issue though. Not a major hassle.

ASAP is vital supplement to excel
Comments: I have primarily used it for Volunteer projects involving genealogy. The ability to sort and divide data transcriptions has been very helpful. At times it has bizarrely vanished from Excel and a reopening of Excel or worse reinstalling ASAP has resolved the problem. I suspect this is an Excel issue more than ASAP.
This software provides several key functions to make items like sorting or manipulating Excel entries easier.
Can at times be overwhelming. Long descriptions of functions. Needs a better help and documentation section.
Best tool in my Excel utility belt
Comments: I have been using ASAPUtilities for more years than I can remember and it is the best tool in my Excel tool belt. Ive recommended it to so many people that, last year, a woman I work with told me about this incredible function called ASAPUtilities. I was like, whaaaat? I'M the one that told YOU about it! I wish there was a newsletter or something that would send a feature a day because I am sure there are untapped resources I haven't gotten around to learning about. I have my Favorites bookmarked and, if I'm ever stuck on something in Excel, I go to ASAP before Google to see if there is a solution.
Simple to search and find tools and save them to your Favorites.
That there is not time enough to learn all the features.
ASAP Utilities for Excel Review
Comments: ASAP Utilities for Excel reduces the production time. It reduces the time in creating formulas, one click option can be used instead of formulas.
Great add-in for excel and it has more functionalities under one menu tab. After installing this add-in I'm using this options and functions very often. ASAP Utilities options comes handy when you are consolidating two or more csv/excel files.
When there is huge data set the ASAP Utilities more time to complete the tasks.
A must have addition for Microsoft Excel
Comments: I haven't find a better alternative, and this is a must for everyone that uses Excel.
It has all these little macros that help you make Excel so much easier to use. For instance, you can remove all empty cells/rows with a single click, you can detect duplicates within a set of data and many many more. If you're an Excel user trust me you need this, as it will help you do faster what otherwise would require writing a complicated function.
After a while (think it's 3 months) it doesn't let you continue using it unless you update it by visiting their site. Wish they had a simpler update process.
A Must in Every Office Response
5 years ago
ASAP Utilities: One of a kind best utilities for Excel
Comments: Overall experience with this Add-in very satisfied. I have suggested this most of my co-workers. It is a must have add-in for every Excel users. It works wonders.
Installation of this add-in very simple and fast. I have used most of the options available in the ASAP they are very useful. After using ASAP Utilities, I stopped creating formulas. ASAP Utilities work with all the version of excel released after year 2000. It has keyboard shortcuts features, ne need to use mouse when using this add-in.
It hangs when it stressed with high data sets. Customer support can be improved. Also, they need to increase the marketing campaign, many users can make use of this wonderful add-in
User friendly, intuitive, and so many shortcuts, its essential
Comments: i use P6, and having the ability to add an ' at will to values really helps when importing into the software. many other aspect, such as complex merge, and "on mass" removal of trailing characters also helps (P6 has a max input of 100 values for an activity name).
there are so many little functions that ASAP utilities does, that could be done in Excel itself, with formatting, formulas etc, but ASAP put them all into a single point. Easy to find and easy to use.
some of the advance replace and remove functions are had to gauge, with many characters looking very similar, so replacing the correct one can be challenging. needs more options for date and time recognition also

ASAP Utilities for Excel Review
Easy to use. You can create shortcuts to your favorite utilities. There are countless types of macros that can greatly simplify your life
They didn't have a 64-bit version long ago, and I patiently awaited its release. Excel can be opened again after being closed to resolve the problem. Not too difficult.
If you use Excel much at all, you need ASAP Utilities!
Comments: I've loved and used ASAP Utilities since at least 2016, and I've recommended it to many coworkers and customers. It's great and such a time saver.
No matter how you use Excel, ASAP Utilities has functions and features that will help you accomplish your daily tasks better and quicker.
A long time ago they didn't have a 64 bit version, and I waited a long time for it to be completed. That was my only frustration with the product, but that was years ago.
One of the best Excel add-ons
ASAP Utilities for Excel saves extremely time and afford for our processes related with Excel.
It would be very useful if ASAP Utilities for Excel was compatible with Excel's ipad version.
asap utilities , una herramienta para ahorrar tiempo en excel
los formatos preestablecidos para no perder tiempo en programar , directo al trabajo puedes combinar iferentes arhchivos sin perder el tiempo
lo unico es que cuando se trabaja con muchas columnas puede hacerse lento pero tienen q ser archivos muy grandes